Tuesday, 4 July 2017

July 04, 2017

Oracle APEX Plugin KPI Numeric Cards, Dynamic

Apex 5 Universal theme, introduces many options to show information in the form of cards , badges. These components are mostly templates , and as Apex 5 comes with templates options, so does these templates. Although, some generic declarative option are there to style the information, to really customize the styling would need the use of custom javascript and css.
Therefore, I tried to Introduce these KPI cards to display Numeric targets information with the ease of declaratively styling as much as possible.
Example usage scenarios
  • Departmental Actual Revenue/Profit  against stipulated targets/goals/objectives.

The Features

  • Responsive
  • 3 Templates
  • Custom No data Found Message
  • Page Items to submit
  • PPR(AJAX) refreshing in real-time
  • Fully Dynamic Options and data(query) values

Demo Application

Github Repository

KPI Numeric Card Illustration

KPI Numeric Card Illustration
KPI Numeric Card Illustration

Using the Query and Column Attributes

Query Template

For Each row of the query,the plugin will generate a separate KPI Numeric Card.
The Query Columns does not need to be in any particular order as the plugin provided column selection mechanism  as following:
KPI Numeric Card Colums Attributes
KPI Numeric Card Colums Attributes

Each KPI Card has Five chunks of data identified by the 5 columns of the query. For example:
Select 'Department A' as Title, 30000 as value, 'up' as trend, '$' as symbol, 'GOAL SET: $25,000/MONTH' as footer from dual
  • Title Column:
    • Data Type: String
    • Required & Possible values include a string like 'First Title' or null
    • If Standard without Title Template is used , then null value can be used in this column and Title can be included in the footer column
  • Value Column:
    • Data Type: Number
    • Required & Possible values include a Number or 0(zero) so use NVL(null,0)
  • Symbol Column:
    • Data Type: string
    • Optional & Possible values include a string like 'First Title' or null
  • Trend Column:
    • Data Type: String &
    • Optional & Possible values are:
      • up
      • down
      • flat
  • Footer Column:
    • Data Type: string
    • Optional

Plugin Attributes

Attribute values are comma-separated values, and each value corresponds to each KPI Card, so e.g. the Card Font Color(s) values provided: #3498DB,#3498DB
  • So first & 2nd KPI Card Font color will have #3498DB value. As can be seen that only 2 values have been provided, So if the query returned more than 2 rows i.e. KPI Cardss, then the third chart will have the default color.
Plugin Options
Option Description Type Default
Template Template Selection for each KPI Card Selection(LOV) Standard Template
Column Span(s) Grid Column Span for each KPI Card Comma separated number values 3
Height(s) Height of the Card Region Body.Some Times due to the styling , large font-sizes , the card region does not expand vertically with font sizes, therefore specifying card size for the region would result in a consistent look. Comma separated number values(pixels) 148
Title Bar Background Color(s) Background color of the title bar Comma separated or colors/hex-coded values ''
Title Bar Font Color(s) Font color of the title Comma separated RGB values #fff
Title Bar Font Size(s) Fonts Size for the Title. Comma separated number values(pixels)
Card Background Color(s) Fill color of the Card Region body. Comma separated colors/hex-coded values
Card Font Color(s) Font color of the Symbol & Value. Comma separated colors/hex-coded values
Card Font Size(s) Font size of the Symbol & Value. Comma separated number values(pixels)
Footer Font Color(s) Font color of the Footer. Comma separated colors/hex-coded values
Footer Font Size(s) Font size of the Footer. Comma separated number values(pixels)
Footer Font Size(s) number of decimal places to show Comma separated number values

KPI Numeric Card Templates
KPI Numeric Card Templates

Column Spans
Column Spans 5,4,3


  1. Is there anyway to implement the on click dynamic action to the KPI card? I tried by select the item using jquery selector and put #12345_kpinum_1 (12345 is my static id) but the dynamic action won't trigger...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. how to place the symbol after the value please ?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. how can i order in same line them they are ordering in new rows
